| Visual dBASE now supports StdIn and StdOut in the
built-in File class, allowing Web servers to communicate directly to dBASE Web
applications without the "middleware" required in earlier versions. Direct
connection dramatically improves already-fast dBASE Web performance. |
 | The Visual dBASE Report Class now supports StdOut
as a native output option, allowing reports to be streamed directly out to Web servers.
Reports can be called and run directly from a URL typed into the Web browser. |
 | The Visual dBASE Web Classes are new classes,
written in dBASE, that allow very rapid black-box code-level development of
database-oriented eCommerce applications. |
 | The Visual dBASE Web Wizards have been updated to
utilize the new Visual dBASE Web Classes and support for StdIn and StdOut. |
 | Visual dBASE 7.5 now ships with a royalty-free
distributable ODBC driver/engine for Extended Systems highly-scalable Advantage
Database Server. |
 | DataModules have been simplified for use with
Forms. Dropping a DataModule on a form now creates a DataModule object, not a DataModRef
object as ocurred in earlier versions. DataModules now have a Parent property that allows
you to navigate up the object hierarchy from a Field, Rowset or Query to the Form that
contains the DataModule. |
 | DataObject icons now display their Name property
on all visual design tools, including the Form Designer and DataModule Designer, making
identification much easier. |
 | A new entry-level book by Ted Blue of Blue Star
Training, The Visual dBASE Developer: Book 1 Getting Started, is included as a user
manual in Visual dBASE 7. Reference manuals will now be ring-bound. |
 | The Visual dBASE 7.5 CD now includes the dBASE
Knowledgebase in HTML format. |
 | The Rowset class has a new property called
masterChild that allows you to set a dBASE parent-child relation as
"Constrained" or "Unconstrained". The dBASE data classes only
supported constrained parent-child relations in prior versions. |
 | The new "TextLabel" base class a
low-resource text class for labelling objects on a form. Forms paint faster and use less
resources. |
 | The TreeView.Class surfaces new capabilities
through its new StreamChildren and TreeView and LoadChildren methods. These methods allow
TreeViews to be saved to and loaded from disk. |
 | In the Report Designer, Text objects that are
DataLinked to an empty table field now display asterisks so that the Text object is
visible and is selectable. |
 | A new onKey event has been added for Entryfields,
Comboboxes and SpinBoxes. |
 | A new focusBitmap property has been added to the
Pushbutton class that allows you to change the bitmap when the pushbutton gets focus.
 | A new canSelChange event has been added to the
notebook that lets you validate before a page change takes effect and prevent or allow the
page change to execute. |
 | A new drawMode property has been added to the
Shape class. |
 | All new real-world sample applications are
included in Visual dBASE 7.5, including a Contact Manager and eMail Client. |
 | Find and Find-and-Replace dialogs are no longer
Modal. You may now access the code underneath the search dialog while the dialogs are
onscreen. |
 | Copy To Array is no longer limited to 32,767
array elements. |
 | You may now select the FoxPro table type from the
Inspector when using the Table Designer. |
 | All version information (version, build and BDE
version) are now displayed in the Help/About dialog. |
 | All valid file types are now supported in the
Open Table dialog that's called by the DO and MODIFY COMMAND commands. |
 | New Visual dBASE Web and "Powered by"
bitmaps are included in Visual dBASE 7.5 |
 | A new multi-language single-CD install. |
 | 203 Correct file versioning and product
information is now imbedded in the Visual dBASE binary executable files which will
eliminate problems with updating existing Visual dBASE installations, and client upgrade
installations of the Visual dBASE runtime engine files. |
 | 037 CheckBox.OnChange now fires when the CheckBox
text caption hotkey is typed. |
 | 065 ComboBox.OnLeftDblClick event now fires only
once instead of twice. |
 | 138 Style 1 or 2 ComboBox dropdown list now stays
down when using the keyboard to make a selection from the list. |
 | 050 When an Editor has input focus, Shift-Tab
will now move input focus to the previous control in the tabbing order. |
 | 093 Right mouse click on Editor control no longer
gives the Editor control the input focus when Editor.When returns False. |
 | 085 EntryField.Keyboard method now works when
Editor.DataLink is assigned. |
 | 053 A modal form is no longer permanently hidden
behind the Visual dBASE FrameWindow when an invalid date is entered in an EntryField or
SpinBox. |
 | 082 Form.OnLostFocus and Form.OnSize now fire
when the form is minimized. |
 | 248 A non-MDI form will no longer be hidden
behind the Visual dBASE FrameWindow when the form is first opened. |
 | 300 The size of a form no longer increases when
Form.WindowState is changed in program code. |
 | 072 An autocentered MDI form opened into an
already maximized MDI application now opens correctly without hanging and without
corrupting the Window menu. |
 | 036 The Foreground window is now set correctly
when opening the Inspector, Field Palette, or Component Palette when using the Form
Designer. |
 | 038 Image position and size no longer changes
erratically when a file is assigned to Image.DataSource and Image.Alignment is set to 4 -
True Size. |
 | 044 When a tool window (Inspector, Component
Palette, and Field Palette) is opened, if the tool window is positioned off-screen, its
position is automatically restored on-screen. |
 | 139 The size of the tool windows (Inspector,
Component Palette, and Field Palette) no longer grows when the tool windows are set for
'Always on Top'. |
 | 103 Right-click on an object in the Form Designer
now correctly updates the Inspector display. |
 | 105 In the Form Designer, objects on the first
tab of a NoteBook can now be selected when there are other objects on other tabs of the
NoteBook which are positioned directly below the object to be selected. |
 | 106 Pasting a NoteBook onto a form from the
clipboard in the Form Designer no longer causes 'Variable undefined: Parent' error.
 | 127 Value = False is no longer streamed to the
WFM in the Form Designer for PushButtons. |
 | 251 The Form.PopupMenu property is now readonly
in the Inspector when the form is opened in the Form Designer to reduce confusion. The
Form.PopupMenu property can only accept a valid object reference to a Popup, which can
only be created at runtime. |
 | 333 Popup menus are now positioned properly with
any setting of Form.Metric. |
 | 294 In the Form Designer, the nibs (sizing
handles) are now correctly updated when the Forward and Back buttons are clicked in the
Inspector. |
 | 016 Copying and pasting a Grid in the Form
Designer no longer produces an erroneous 'Variable undefined: COLUMNHEADINGCONTROL' error.
 | 188 When pasting controls in the Form Designer,
the last control that was pasted now remains selected. |
 | 301 In the Form Designer, the Choose Resource
Image dialog box used to assign graphic resources to Images and PushButtons has been
widened to make the resource filename and resource name more visible. |
 | 014 The record pointer for the current record is
now maintained properly when deleting records in a Browse control. |
 | 018 The Grid EditorControl.OnLostFocus now fires
when input focus is moved to a control external to the Grid. |
 | 019 The Grid no longer causes
Rowset.Field.CanChange to fire twice when a value is changed in the field using a Grid.
 | 058 Grid ComboBox.DataSource is now streamed to
the WFM correctly. |
 | 081 A Grid with MultiSelect set to True no longer
causes a GPF. |
 | 087 A Grid using a ComboBox with an OnLostFocus
event handler no longer causes a GPF when the form is closed. |
 | 120 The 1-pixel display hole above the header in
the Grid has been corrected. |
 | 285 Multiple instantiations of a form using a
custom Grid no longer causes a GPF. |
 | 113 F1 online help topics now work correctly for
Database, Query, StoredProc, DataModRef, Session, HScrollBar and VScrollBar objects in the
Form Designer. |
 | 132 Image objects now release the file handle
when the Image.DataSource is cleared. |
 | 264 Image.Alignment now functions properly in
reports. |
 | 310 GIF images in Image objects are now displayed
correctly when the form is repeatedly opened and closed. |
 | 324 COPY FILE <filename> TO <newfile>
now works for graphic files which are currently held open by the Image object. |
 | 094 Divide by zero no longer corrupts Visual
dBASE internal memory and display. |
 | 267 When executed in a PushButton.OnClick, QUIT
now causes an orderly and complete shutdown of Visual dBASE. |
 | 145 SET EPOCH, SET CENTURY and EntryFields and
SpinBoxes no longer return 'Invalid date' error for 02/29/00. |
 | 360 SET TALK is now forced to OFF in the runtime
engine. |
 | 097 Beginning a new file edit in the Source
Editor using MODIFY COMMAND and then closing without saving no longer creates an empty
file. |
 | 011 Ampersand (&) characters are now
displayed correctly in a ListBox. |
 | 027 Menu StatusMessages are now displayed
correctly for submenus. |
 | 095 Menu StatusMessages are now displayed
correctly for MenuBars attached to _app.FrameWin. |
 | 020 NoteBook.OnSelChange event no longer fires
twice. |
 | 041 A Popup menu's ClassName is no longer
erroneously changed during subsequent design sessions in the Popup Menu Designer. |
 | 061 The Progress object now updates its display
properly for large numeric ranges. |
 | 024 The default status of PushButtons is now
correctly visually updated after a change to the PushButton.Default property member.
 | 249 PushButtons now display the correct spacing
between the bitmap and the text when using split bitmaps. |
 | 007 An invalid or nonexistent name assigned to
Rowset.IndexName now generates an error. |
 | 080 Moving the input focus away from a
RadioButton in code now correctly updates the focus rectangle and does not cause a GPF.
 | 063 Rectangles with visible set to False and
contained in a Container are no longer visible when the form is opened. |
 | 028 When previewing a report on-screen, backward
navigation using the PgUp key now works when Report.MDI is set to False. |
 | 046 The reference count for a report procedure
file (REP) is now maintained correctly so that the procedure file remains in memory after
releasing the report. |
 | 066 Report detail data now prints correctly when
printing a page range. |
 | 224 In the Report Designer, if 'Snap to grid' is
turned on, objects added to the report are correctly positioned within the grid. |
 | 126 In the Report Designer, Line objects now only
have 2 nibs (one at each end) instead of the previous 8 nibs, and the nibs are now larger
to make it easier to visually position the Line objects. |
 | 263 In the Report Designer, nibs (sizing handles)
are now displayed correctly when multiple Line objects are selected. |
 | 126 Corrected problems with selecting Line
objects in the Report Designer for reports which contained Lines which are closely
positioned to other objects. |
 | 126 Report Designer menu options Layout|Align and
Layout|Size now work correctly for Line objects. |
 | 126 Group selection of Lines now works correctly
in the Report Designer. |
 | 265 The Report Designer Edit|Undo menu option now
works correctly for Line move and Line resize operations. |
 | 165 StartPage and EndPage properties are now
handled correctly when printing reports. |
 | 175 Rectangles in reports are now printed in the
correct position. |
 | 199 The report preview window is now opened at
0,0 left,top coordinates instead of being offset down and to the right. |
 | 240 Report.Printer.ChoosePrinter method no longer
causes a GPF. |
 | 004 A field can now be dragged from the Field
Palette to the PageTemplate in the Report Designer. |
 | 091 The Report.InDesign property is now displayed
in the Inspector. |
 | 128 Multiple object selection using
Ctrl-LeftMouse-Drag lassoo now works correctly. |
 | 223 Multiple object selection using
Ctrl-LeftMouse-Drag lassoo has been changed to allow the lassoo to begin within the report
PageTemplate area which makes the lassoo operation much easier to accomplish. |
 | 166 In the Report Designer, overlapping an
existing control with a new control added from the Field Palette no longer causes the
existing controls to be moved from their original positions. |
 | 167 Controls added in the Report Designer to the
StreamSource.HeaderBand are now adjusted for size properly based on the Report.Metric
setting. |
 | 172 Automatic positioning of summary fields in
the Report Designer has been improved. |
 | 173 The Report Designer split pane ratio is now
saved and restored across Report Designer sessions. |
 | 238 Report.InDesign is now set correctly when a
report is loaded in the Report Designer. |
 | 262 In the Report Designer, objects can now be
selected when other objects are directly below the target object. |
 | 101 Rowset.Modified is now correctly set after a
change of SpinBox.Value. |
 | 287 F1 online help topics now work correctly for
Database, Query, StoredProc, DataModRef, and Session objects in the Form Designer. |
 | 025 SpeedTips now display correctly when the
SpeedTip text is changed while the form is opened. |
 | 181 The 'Fix' option from the error dialog no
longer opens the Source Editor shifted down and to the right. |
 | 283 SpinBox objects can no longer receive input
focus if SpinBox.When is set to False and the spin arrows are clicked with the mouse.
 | 086 SpinBox.RangeMin/RangeMax no longer allow
input focus to leave the SpinBox if a value is entered that is not within the specified
range. |
 | 030 In the Table Designer, setting a level 7
table date field default to TODAY no longer results in 'Invalid Month' error. |
 | 198 In the Table Designer, setting a level 7
table field default to NOW works correctly. |
 | 226 In the Table Designer, setting a level 7
table TimeStamp field default and Paradox Time field default is now validity checked.
 | 125 In a non-MDI form, undocking a ToolBar and
then positioning the ToolBar to the right side of the screen and then docking it on the
left side no longer causes repeated ToolBar refreshes and GPF. |
 | 000 Quit now quits. |
 | 006 In the Form Designer, Controls are now
visible when pasting to a page other than page 1 in a NoteBook. |
 | 074 Form.ActiveControl is now updated correctly
when focus is moved to a Grid by clicking on a Grid editor control. |
 | 092 A child table save is no longer forced when
saving to a parent table when the tables are linked using
Rowset.MasterRowset/MasterFields. |
 | 131 Trailing spaces in Grid column
HeadingControl.Value no longer causes FontUnderline/FontStrikeout to extend past the end
of the text in the HeadingControl. |
 | 135 Clicking a control's inspect button in the
Parent property in the Inspector now correctly updates the nibs. |
 | 171 The correct year is now returned when
incrementing Date.Year property. |
 | 187 The ComboBox now selects the correct item
when a letter is typed. |
 | 261 Error 'Unable to create component' no longer
occurs when using a Grid with ComponentTypeDate=0 in [ComponentTypes] in VDB.INI. |
 | 280 Setting LookupRowset in the Form Designer and
then saving no longer causes a GPF and loss of form source code. |
 | 350 The Text.Width is now set correctly to avoid
wrap when placing numeric fields in the Report Designer. |
 | 351 Objects placed in the report detail band are
now visible even when no rowset has been assigned to the report's rowset. |
 | 355 Delete key now works when the Report Designer
is opened with the Inspector closed. |
 | 375 Report.InDesign is now correctly set to False
in application executables. |
 | 383 Improved form repaints during loop
processing. |
 | 385 The 'Cancel' PushButton on the Printing
dialog now works. |
 | 387 Copy control and paste to a different form or
NoteBook page now works. |
 | 417 Parent property of data access objects is now
readonly in the Inspector. |
 | 054 Grid.CellHeight is now recalculated
automatically when Form.Metric is changed. |
 | 055 Grid CheckBoxes now display properly when
FORM.Metric is set to any value. |
 | 130 Grid column selection highlight no longer
paints into the Grid's horizontal scrollbar. |
 | 414 Custom Form Designer now streams code for
event function pointer assignment. |
 | 418 Double-clicking CFO, MNO, POO, CRO, DMO, CDO
in the Navigator no longer starts multiple dBASE sessions. |
 | 431 Opening a database with OPEN DATABASE/SET
DATABASE TO, then CLOSE DATABASE <databasename> no longer causes a GPF. |
 | 231 SpeedTips are no longer corrupted when
Internet Explorer 5 is installed. |
 | 442 Toggling DataModRef.Active property no longer
causes a GPF. |
 | 035 Opening a maximized MDI form
(Form.WindowState = 2) no longer forces the Command window to appear when the Shell is set
to False. |
 | 069 Display corruption and GPFs no longer occur
when opening maximized MDI child windows. |
 | 163 EntryFields that are DataLinked to a memory
variable no longer cause a GPF. |
 | 433 The ChoosePrinter function no longer loses
GDI resources. |
 | 217 The Inspector is no longer turned off between
Form Designer sessions. |
 | 445 Rectangle and Shape on a report with output
streamed to HTML no longer cause a GPF. |
 | 012 Grid ComboBox now correctly displays
non-default FontSize. |
 | 340 Form.CanClose now fires when the form is
minimized and CLOSE FORMS is executed. |
 | 415 Can now inspect DataModRef.Ref to see
contained data objects. |
 | 419 Corrected a problem where dBASE could become
invisible whe running a form with an error in the class constructor code. |
 | 460 Temporary files are now deleted when sending
report output to HTML. |
 | 462 FORM.ScaleFontBold is now correctly streamed
to the form's source file (WFM). |
 | 463 SET EPOCH default has been changed from 1900
to 1950. |
 | 464 Source Editor window is opened in position
and size contained in VDB.INI when opened from the error dialog 'Fix' button. |
 | 471 Grid now correctly sets Rowset.Modified.
 | 473 When report output is set for HTML, the
output file extension is now defaulted to .HTM if no output file extension is specified.
 | 137 Table Designer now opens with input focus
set. |
 | 479 Grid no longer causes GPF if Form.Release
called from Form.CanClose. |
 | 484 PushButton.Value now changes when a
PushButton is clicked after the PushButton.Value was changed in code. Note: A number of other internal architectural
revisions have been accomplished which affect overall stability and resource usage.